Captain Book and his mighty salty crew have traveled the seas plundering stacks and raiding libraries. But when the captain steals the “wrong” book he is cursed to roam the world with a book attached to his hand! Worse, his crew is doomed to listen to the same tale over and over again until he returns his treasure of stolen stories! It’s all hands on deck in this piratical tale of teamwork with scallywags and sea dogs.
The Activities in the Adventure include:
Mini Movie: Captain Book's Pirate Adventure
No-Bake Recipe: With a cookie, Nutella, and fruit make a tasty swashbuckler treat!
Author Visit: Ahoy mateys! Melinda Long discusses her best selling picture book “How I Became A Pirate” and teaches us all how to “talk like a pirate”! Arrrgg!
Craft: It’s time to raise the masts and set sail in your own ship made with a bowl that floats, a straw, and a balloon. The rubber ducky is optional! .
Craft: X-Marks the spot! Create a pirate map that looks like it might be hundreds of years old. All that’s needed is a paper bag, a little vegetable oil, and lots of imagination.
E book: Read about the legend of Captain Book and the Book-a-Neers.
Puppet Kit: Use puppets to act out the legend of Captain Book and the Book-a-Neers.