It gets a bit chilly as our heroes follow the clues (and a pod of whales!) to the arctic where they gather enough information to solve more ocean riddles. As they continue their search for the Lost Library of Atlantis, they get stuck in The Great Pacific Garbage Patch where they learn things that we all can do to help keep the ocean clean and safe.
The Activities in the Adventure include:
Mini Movie: 20,000 Books Under the Sea: Episode 3 Arctic Adventure
No Bake Recipe: Using just a few ingredients make a fish cake that tastes as good as it looks!
Audiobook: Hear a fun story about a grumpy lobster and the real life sea urchins he encounters.
E-book: Read this upbeat story about an ornery lobster who "interacts" with real life sea urchins.
Craft: "Etch" and then use washable markers to print a scene. Next, write a story and use your print as a cover.
Puppet Kit: Use puppets to act out this enjoyable story of a crabby lobster's encounter with real life sea urchins.
Readers Theater Script: Perform the fun story of the cranky lobster without props or scenery. No memorizing needed.